Corriedale Sheep

I have raised mostly Corriedales since I started with the breed in 1976 as a 4-H/FFA project. We have exhibited and sold our sheep on a local, state, and national level. We run 50-60 head of registered ewes. We like big framed sheep like most - but also want some bonework, body, and natural muscling to go with it, along with a beautiful bold crimp fleece. Our ewes run on pasture during the months of May-October and need to survive without a feed bucket.

I have learned (via hand spinning conferences and ASI wool classes) to appreciate the Corriedale fleece and how to prepare and market our fleeces to a wool processor. I just love the breed character of the older Corriedales and enjoy breeding sheep that have that look with size, length of body, and muscle. The Corriedales are noted as “the dual purpose breed”, not just another show sheep. We love their hardiness and disposition. We exhibit our sheep during the summer at several state fairs and conclude the season at the NAILE in Louisville, KY in November.